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What Is Medicare Advantage?

Medicare Advantage is part of the Medicare program offered to older people and disabled adults who qualify.

Also referred to as Medicare Part C, Medicare Advantage (MA) plans are provided by private insurance companies instead of the federal government. They generally include hospital, medical, and prescription drug coverage. Anyone who joins an MA plan still has Medicare.

  1. Medicare Advantage, also known as Medicare Part C, is offered to people ages 65 and older and disabled adults who qualify.
  2. Plans are provided by Medicare-approved private insurance companies.
  3. Coverage is the same as Part A hospital, Part B medical coverage, and, usually, Part D prescription drug coverage, with the exception of hospice care.
  4. Companies receive a fixed amount each month for plan care and may charge out-of-pocket costs to policyholders.

Choosing Medicare Advantage

When you choose Medicare coverage, you can choose any Original Medicare or Medicare Advantage plans as familiar as Medicare Part C. Basic Medicare includes Part A (hospital coverage) and is optional. Although strongly recommended, Part B (doctor and cover other medical services coverage). Original Medicare is administered by the federal government, while Medicare Advantage is provided by private insurance companies that contract with the government. There are many factors to consider when you are making a decision that you need. You can use the following information to understand the benefits of choosing a Medicare Advantage plan.

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